The Misconceptions of Snakes!
This is a fun topic, because I've come across many people who ask me the dumbest questions about Sylvester whenever I post a picture of him on Facebook, or when family members visit and I have him out and their initial reaction is disgust and then interest, and then the questions come through that make me want to slap my forehead. Of course, not knowing these things about snakes isn't dumb, I think it's great if you wanna learn more about snakes, and I welcome questions from anyone and I wouldn't ever make someone feel stupid for not knowing, because let's be fair, snake facts aren't common knowledge unless you're a member of the Irwin family and you literally grow up in a zoo. I'm rambling, but I'm gonna go through the most common misconceptions about snakes, and educate on the reality. Enjoy! Misconceptions "Is he slimy?" - No. No snake that I know of is slimy. Amphibians (frogs, toads etc) secrete mucus, reptiles do not. The best way...